Oh my god!! when I first look at this external hard drive. It is dam nice. The pouch that include in the package is dam nice. It is like a small cd case. The pouch is very spacious it can fit two external case.

Inside the pouch on the left the hard drive is securely strap. On the right it have a small pocket that enable a usb cable to be store nicely and I personally thinks that the usb head should be keep in the pocket to avoid scratches to the hard disk case.

Dam it is nice!. This case have a mirror finish on it case. you can see the light reflect thru it's body. Because of the mirror finish it give us a solid look not like cheap plastic case.

The back part of the case. As I know the previous model have the e-sata support but due to various complain from the coustomer Cooler Master have come out a new model without the e-sata support. It also have a 5 V dc jack. I don't really understand why it need the jack. USB power should be enough but it is diffrent case if the output is e-sata where user need to supply a 5 v dc to the case. I just wondering when will the 5v dc jack will serve it purpouse maybe never.

As you can see the body is full aluminium and it is mirror finish and this effect have its drawback where fingger prints will be seen on the case after some time of usage. So guys remember to keep your hand cleen before you touch this case. Oh almost forget in the package it also include a micro fiber cloth for you to wipe the case after usage.

Head to head. The Cooler Master 250 lite vs the Cooler Master 250 (with one touch backup). The Cooler Master 250 (with one touch backup) look nicer than Cooler Master 250 lite. I think it is because the mirror finish on The Cooler Master 250 (with one touch backup).

The Cooler Master 250 lite without the mirror finish looks plane but The Cooler Master 250 (with one touch backup) looks solid.

The X logo is remove on the The Cooler Master 250 (with one touch backup) and it is repalce by a small long rectangular button. Both still use the same LED, blue and red.

A back up cd also include.