Yonex muscle power 21 with Yonex BG 66 string. I started playing badminton since the age of 10 till now. I still remember that time, where me and my parents will play together at the field.
My mother is good at it. I did not go for special training, I just learnt by my self. I also play tenis but due to certain circumtensence I quit playing.
Here is some badminton tips
Thicker strings are more durable and gives more control but not as powerful. Thinner strings will give you more zip and power but they don't last long.
A lot of people think that a higher string tension means more power. In fact it's the opposite that is correct. A higher string tension will give you more control while a lower string tension will give you more power. This is due to the trampoline effect of the strings.
You can go for string tension in between 16lb to 26lb, depending on the strings you use.
Let say you want extra power. What you can do is - Use thin strings at lower tension. Or you could use thin strings at higher tension for a more balance approach.
As you can see, stringing is more like doing arts than math. There is no one common answer for all players. Understand your own style of play, strengths and weaknesses. Then string it accordingly.
Feel it... Test it... This is the best advice that I can give...
In the next blog I will explain how to buy a racquet. Stay tune for racquet 2.